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Welcome to Betty Health

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Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a life-long health platform that will continuously bring valuable products and services to its members (you). The opportunity for us to join together on a common platform and share in the incredible power of a unified approach has never been more ripe, and never been more needed. As the health in the US continues to decline, we want to counter the trend with an approach that helps people restore and preserve health in an affordable and accessible way.

The Vision

Incredible value can be driven by joining together on a common platform that works exclusively for its members. In most industries, we enjoy the scale of a unified group of purchases, whether it's all of us going to a common grocery store or purchasing a vehicle, the scale brings a high quality product or service to many people. Interestingly, the US healthcare system does not work in the same way; we have many layers of middle men, publicly traded and profit driven conglomerates, and poorly run non-profit systems that treat every person as an individual and give any/all potential leverage to large entities instead of the patient (or clinician). We've got the vision to change the game.

A look into the future of Betty Health:

  • Every member has access to high quality, independent primary care, in a virtual and in-person environment
  • Every primary care clinician is flanked by independent specialists who can assist the primary care clinician in an effort to keep the patient out of the system unless absolutely necessary
  • Every member has an army of patient advocates and legal support to navigate every aspect of the healthcare system
  • Every member has access to health coaches, herbalists, nutritionists, and dieticians to help restore health, and prevent disease
  • Every diagnosis will receive an unbiased, independent second opinion from a panel of experts
  • Every member has a support network of other Betty Health members based on geography, interests, stage in their health journey, and more

Early Adopter Lifetime Access

An Early Adopter Lifetime Access model of running a PaaS (platform as a service) is one that allows a member to have the same price on an annual basis even as the product and services continue to improve. Betty Health is designed to leverage its member base to drive continuous value for members; in other words, the more members we have, the more products and services we can bring to members. Early adopters will enjoy their original annual price, while new members will pay a higher and higher price based on services provided. This model rewards the early adopters and effectively "thanks" them year after year as they enjoy more products and services. Example pricing tiers will be $229 for the first 1,000 members, $279 for the next 10,000 members, $329 for the next round of members, $479 for the next, etc. Each price is guaranteed not to increase, except for certain inflationary adjustments of 3% or less, only if necessary - we'll do everything we can do to keep the exact same price year after year. The model includes access for the duration of your life. Please see terms and conditions for specifics (no gotchas, just necessary legal stuff).

Become an Ambassador

There are many different ways to grow a platform. The most obvious paths are social media ads, tv/radio ads, build a large sales team, go to trade shows, and more. The Betty Health founders would prefer to reward members with a financial "thank you" in the form of a referral fee to grow the platform. Not only does this push the funds back to members, which further improves the value of the platform, but it keeps the growth manageable so we can continue to ensure the quality of product and services. Basically, we get to grow together!

How it works:

  1. Join Betty Health
  2. Once you have access to the platform, click the tile called "Become an Ambassador of Betty Health"
  3. You'll follow directions from there and get a custom code you can use to refer
  4. If you have groups/employers to refer, contact us direct and we'll talk details

This is not multi-level marketing, so you can only earn a referral free for direct connects (1 payment per membership). You can refer unlimited members, but you do not earn anything from their referrals.

Our Commitment to You

Our commitment is Betty Health will always put the member first. Every dollar of your membership goes to bringing a better and more valuable service to you. Please let us know if you ever feel our commitment is not being fulfilled.